This is really the epitome of flashlights. It's bright for when you need it to be, and is functional with a couple party trick modes. The titanium is a little heavy, but worth it for the increased durability over aluminum. Note that it is silver, not black like the first picture. Will not fit protected cell 18650's, and you have to tighten the cap on fairly tight in order to make a solid connection. Super thrilled with the light, and looking forward to buying more from intl-outdoor! Thanks Hank.
Ok, I have it bad I must admit, at this point, I have over 100 flashlights in a collection that's about a span of two years of collecting and this is my favorite. I get dressed and every day have issues with what light to carry and I'm known to carry more than ill admit but I always carry my D4V2 TI because with the UI it's like having a dozen different lights in one and I actually use the features it has from the timed candlelight that's like a fireplace in my room at night to the multi-color programmable secondary lighting this light is awesome I could write a book on why and ever since this light I look for lights with similar features but that's tuff nothing really out there matches up its the best EDC period
Best flashlights. I like them the most.
Awesome light, but seems Ti is not square cut thread I guess to save cost with higher material cost and harder to cut Ti... So has sharp threads that bind easier with bit of debris.
Alles gut geläufen keine Fehler Spizen Produkt
Awesome EDC light and Wow factor!
Давно приглядывался на медь/титан, а тут всё и сразу: медь, титан, цветная подсветка, правильное управление, лучшие диоды на выбор, магнит, клипса, цена ниже конкурентов - астролюкс, светлячки. Я остался очень доволен. Но можно сделать ещё лучше: 1. клипса не плотно прилегает к трубке; 2. резьбы с задирами; 3. плавное загорание/затухание основных диодов; 4. плавное изменение цветов подсветки; 5. цвет подсветки в кнопке в зависимости от заряда батареи; 6. уменьшить толщину стенок трубки и вес фонарика; 7. встроенную зарядку батареи.