New Emisar D1 mini pocket thrower

New Emisar D1 mini pocket thrower

  • Customer Reviews

    4 Item(s)
    • Toast
      SBT90.2 July 6, 2023

      Got it with a SBT90.2 emitter, probably not the best host for it. Its a ridiculous amount of light for something so compact.

    • Ne0nnightmare
      Brilliant pocket torch November 18, 2022

      Very sturdy, 519 dedome gives great illumination, feels great in hand and small enough to comfortably put in jeans pocket. Makes every other torch on the evening dog walk look like a candle. Love it.

    • Dieter
      D1 SFT40 September 5, 2022

      Super Preisleistung
      In der Größe Super Thrower ,KlasseLlampe

    • STEVEN
      SFT-40 August 19, 2022

      Wonderful throw without being overly narrow, just enough spill to be useful.

    4 Item(s)

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