Emisar D4K 1*21700 High Power Quad EDC Led Flashlight

Emisar D4K 1*21700 High Power Quad EDC Led Flashlight

  • Customer Reviews

    4 Item(s)
    • Kenny G
      Love it February 5, 2024

      Started collecting knives and pens and now flashlights. Already have a few other brands but have just unboxed my first Hank Light and wow- it won’t be my last (already have 2 more ordered)
      I used to scratch my head at the SOTC posts that would seemingly be a dozen different specifications of THE SAME LIGHT but I feel this might be me soon with the D4K…

    • Adam
      Small, elegant and fun. December 26, 2023

      Ordered mine in black, cool white switch. Quite elegant light, fits good with my PC on the desk. The fact it uses 21700 makes it last quite long. It's funny seeing people surprised that such a small flashlight can emit so much light. Best 50 bucks I've spent on an everyday item.

    • Toast
      D4K July 6, 2023

      I got a D4K mule with 2700k and 4000k 519a dedome with the intention of using it as a indoor light. Its quickly become my favorite light, the tint is very nice. Hank also provides customer service thats hard to beat.

    • Colin B.
      Awesome pocket light April 27, 2023

      I got mine in Grey, with Amber switch, and 519a 4500k with domes, with the boost driver, and clear optics installed. The beam is just beautifully smooth and clean, even holding it a few inches from a white wall I don't notice any artifacts. The 519a emitters are fantastic, renders color almost as well as The Big Emitter in the Sky. This is the perfect light for close to medium distance tasks at any hour. At night, turbo can light up a decently large area, but I would choose something bigger with more throw for dedicated outdoor use in wide-open spaces. Overall I couldn't be happier, it will live in my pocket for many years.

    4 Item(s)

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